Highlights of Helmsdale, Scotland


When I was doing my Master’s in Scotland, I had the pleasure of taking on a research project for a small museum in the almost the northern-most part of the country, in a little town called Helmsdale. Ever heard of it? I didn’t think so.

It’s an absolutely adorable little village of only about 600-700 residents that takes half of a day to get to on the train.

But at least the views are gorgeous on your way up there.

Scottish Highlands
Scottish Highlands

The train station was tiny, and our accommodation was cozy, for sure.

Helmsdale Trainstation
Helmsdale Trainstation

I loved the homey and traditional small town feel. The people were amazingly friendly and remembered my name from night to night. Everyone waved and greeted each other - me included - in pubs and shops. Even the local animals were welcoming.

Scottish Highland Sheep
Scottish Highland Sheep

I couldn’t get enough of the traditional and authentic food. Every restaurant in the town was utterly delicious - all four of them.

Fish and Chips

And every which way you looked there was something quaint and lovely to look at.

Helmsdale, Scotland

Something about the way the sun hit those hills, just can’t be beat.

Helmsdale, Scotland

If you’re ever in Scotland looking for somewhere truly unforgettable to spend a day or two, this is it. I promise you’ll find so many things to love in Helmsdale.

Timespan Helmsdale

See you in in the highlands 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿