We need to talk.
/We need to talk.
Two times. Two. That’s how many times I’ve written to you all since 2020 began. What the actual fuck. And in rereading the only two posts I’ve made this year, I realized that all I did was talk about my ups and downs of quarantine. Not that there is anything AT ALL wrong with talking out your feelings about all the crazy things that you feel and experience while being locked in your house for months on end. What I meant by that is that you literally have no clue what’s happened in my life since the new year rang in other than I’ve been on my couch more than I used to be. Pretty narcissistic sounding of me to assume that you all want to know what’s happening in my personal life, but the hundreds of you who continue to sift through the pages of my site each week even when I don’t post new content could be some kind of indication I’m right, right?
So, for those of you who ARE interested, let’s take it back 8 months. *Opens the Photos app to help jog memory from that long ago.*
This year has been one HELL of a ride for most of us, me included. I started the year out with a bang - literally. Kids, always pay attention when you’re walking down the sidewalk or you’ll end up like me who walked right into a massive metal pole and busted open her eyebrow and nose. I’d add photo evidence, but I doubt you want to my face gushing with blood and my lip and eye swelled to hell. “Pics or it didn’t happen” will just have to shove it this time.
Two weeks of healing and hiding my face behind bandaids in public later, and my best friend showed up from New Jersey. Yes, Princess Nicole flew out to the mitten to party hardy with me and I can’t thank her enough. We met random strangers at the bar, drank fancy Starbucks at the new fancy Reserve in Chicago, and ate Nandos until our hearts were content. Such a perfect few days filled with laughter, YouTube binging, shopping, and perfect time spent with my best friend in the world. Memories that will last me a lifetime - thanks for a wonderful visit, BFF.
Then, in February E and I started driving one Friday afternoon and literally, and without expecting it, ended up in Nashville. And wow. Just wow. Nashville absolutely stole my damn heart. I visited my friends at JLR Nashville - hey guys - watched a show at the Grand Ole Opry, and had the best BBQ of my life. No word of a lie, I hate country music, but it wouldn’t take much to have me packing my bags to start a new life spending my nights on the strip. One of the best and happiest memories of 2020 - not that that’s saying much all things considered - but still.

In late February, I took my very first work trip out to… you’ll never guess… NEW JERSEY! So yep, I’ll bet you did guess this part, I got to see Nicole again! A short-lived adventure, but one of our best. A special thanks to Iris who invited us both to her marvelous birthday shindig in the city. Any girl loves a chance to get dressed up and have a drink out. Cheers!
Right around this time, COVID-19 was in full swing, meaning I was officially working from home and basically locked down for months to come. Nothing really to report for quite some time. I visited my parents a couple of times and we went up north once or twice to escape into the wilderness, but aside from a lot of TV binging and online shopping, nothing much happened until around about late April.
While social-distancing, we drove down to West Virginia and southern Ohio. Truthfully, other than eat pizza and see some of the local beauty of my mom’s old stomping ground, we didn’t get up to much on that trip. But it was just nice to get out of the house and breathe fresh air for a while. I definitely hit a mental lull right around this part of the year. I didn’t even want to get out of bed most days and, to be honest, I didn’t have much of a point to.
In May I got a Nintendo Switch. The best and worst decision I’ve made since quarantine began. Where has Animal Crossing been my entire life? I can’t go an entire day without it. I even bring my Switch with me in the car on long drives. Thank you to everyone on social media for pressuring me into that impulse buy. I couldn’t be happier with getting so much less done. My time wasted is so much more pleasantly spent now. Speaking of social media, anyone else get HIGHKEY obsessed with TikTok while locked in the house? Ten years too old or not, I can watch that shit until the app literally warns me that I haven’t eaten or slept in considerable amounts of time. Anyone else? I know it’s not just me…
Oh, and sometime in May, I discovered that Krispy Kreme delivers to my apartment. Need I say more?
I depressed-ate an entire dozen in just over a day, but, if I’m honest, I do that when I’m happy too.
In June, Ethan took me to see my favorite animals on Earth and I almost couldn’t contain my excitement.
And speaking of animals, in July we lost our gerbil friend. He went of natural causes and he is extremely missed - love you Pazzo.
But on the happier side fo the coin, July actually brought the most change in my life, both personally and professionally. That’s right - I got a new job! I LOVED my old job and company, but an incredible opportunity presented itself and it seemed like the stars were aligning, so I took it. I work in finance now. I know, right? Me, in the corporate world… but I’ve been there two weeks tomorrow and it’s been a lovely growing experience for me. I have already learned more than I thought possible over the course of 14 days - that might explain the near-constant head pains I’ve been feeling lately. But hey, I never turn down a challenge. But I must say, saying goodbye to my old co-workers and clients was one of the hardest things I’ve done in my adult life. I haven’t cried so many tears in a long time. I miss all of you already - it really was a PLEASURE getting to know each and every one of you over the last two years.
My new job in remote pretty long-term, and since E’s back at work, and to combat the extreme loneliness I feel around the house alone, we brought a new fuzzy friend home to keep my company. Meet Bug, our baby chinchilla. I grew up with chinchillas and I’ve been pestering Ethan to get one with me for months. I couldn’t love him more - he’s honestly the biggest source of joy in my life.
That brings me to August. To celebrate the new job, Ethan and I had dinner in Chicago at my favorite restaurant *cough* Nandos *cough* one weekend and then went on a road trip through the small towns in Ohio the next. We spend the weekend with the Amish and the animals and it was a great time. We visited an actual castle and we even saw Columbus for the first time and OMG is that city bright and full of life. I’m sorry I waited this long to visit. I loved everything about that trip. I got to see more cows and brought home some cool old books. What more could a girl ask for?
Truly since 2020 began, I feel like I’ve gained 10 pounds, lost half my hair, and most of my sanity. I’ve been busy, locked up, depressed, lonely, challenged, sad, and happier than ever. Obviously, with all of the insanity happening in the world around us, it’s hard not to feel some type of way every day, but it’s important to do what you can to get through the bad and come out the other side looking back on your time in a positive light - as much as possible. I’m sending light and love to every person out there who needs it and who needs to know that we are all getting used to this insane new normal and living through this horrific year together. Find the joy in the little things as much as you can. I’m here for you and my inbox is always open for anyone reading this who needs a little virtual hug. The world sucks, but enough donuts and TikTok can get us through anything, I promise.
Keep smiling, friends. Thanks for listening.
xoxo Write on!