I’m Going to Embrace Every Palm Tree Life Plants in Front of Me.

Just the other day, I was explaining to a friend how, in my life, more than 90% of things that have happened to me were completely unexpected. I’ve always been impulsive and free-spirited - that’s just the Sagittarius in me - but I’ve also been thrown some pretty insane curveballs that have resulted in one hell of a ride called my life.

Today, I write to you from Jacksonville. No, I’m not on vacation, I’m now a resident of the great state of Florida - a sentence that could not sound any more foreign coming out of my mouth - or in this case, through my keyboard. I have my own little trendy apartment on the south side of town and I spend my days learning to adjust to the heat and hiding from the constant rain showers that come down on the city.

I can hear most of you asking, “what the actual f*ck happened?” So, allow me to explain. 2020 has been the year of change for me and one of the biggest changes it brought me is that of single life. Yep, Ethan and I split this year. I’ve matured a lot since my last breakup, so rather than air my dirty relationship laundry online like last time, I’m going to respect his privacy and say simply that he made some unfavorable decisions with respect to me and now here I am. We’re on civil but not social terms and that’s how it will probably always remain. ✌🏻

Flashback to my last post, remember that new job I spoke about? Well, my new office is in Florida, so when the time came for me to make new living arrangements and move on with my life, I thought there was no place better than where I’d be working in a post-COVID world, so Florida it was. I made the decision pretty quickly to come down here. I woke up on a Friday and told my folks I was moving and less than two weeks later I was driving MINI Mo 14 hours and 1,200 miles south. With the INCREDIBLY SELFLESS and LIMITLESS help of my parents, we were able to pull off this amazing feat and now I truly feel like I am living my best life. Thank you both so much, if you’re reading this, I cannot thank you enough for being there when I needed you most.

I’ve spent the last two weeks decorating and driving around the local area and going to the beach - when I’m not hiding in the aircon. Florida is a strange place, but I’m learning to love its charms. I’ve even made a friend - hi Ben - who spent last weekend shopping and sight-seeing with me! 😉

For all those who love seeing little snippets into my life, here are a few shots from my first few weeks down south.

And, for everyone asking me how I’m liking having and decorating my own place, here’s a few snaps of how it coming together - complete with Spooky Season decor and all.

More pictures and stories to come as I adjust to living life in the South. I’ve got dozens of towns and cities to visit and endless adventures and experiences to have; I’ve already ticked St. Augustine off my list. Next up: the DMV - this girl needs to get a local license so that she won’t be left behind when November, 3rd rolls around. 😏👍🏻 #votingissexy

I want to take a moment and send a big thank you to my best friend Nicole and everyone else who has supported me and kept me sane throughout this whirlwind of a process. For a while, it felt like my life was moving at one hundred miles a minute and it was those closest to me who kept my feet from flying out from underneath me. Now, I’m nearly settled in and getting reacquainted with the joy in everyday life that I had lost touch with for far too long.

Moving to Florida was one of the most rushed and half-baked decisions of my life, but sometimes you just get a gut feeling and you have to follow it. I believe in destiny and something tells me that I was always supposed to end up here. Who knows for how long, but for the time being I’m going to embrace every palm tree life plants in front of me.

Palm Tree Florida