James and I visited Savannah, GA together from 8,000 miles apart.
/2021 has been the year of me finally becoming obsessed with astrology like the basic bitch in me was always destined to do.
I’m a proud Sagittarius and what you should know about my sign is that we live for adventure and can’t stand to stay in the same place for too long. James, being the most supportive partner in the world, encourages me to venture as much as I can and always keep my wanderlust at bay, and in return, I try and bring him along for the ride as much as I can, even though we are 8,000+ miles apart.
Earlier this month, I was feeling bored and curious, so I booked a last-minute hotel in Savannah, Georgia, grabbed my portable phone charger so that I could keep James on FaceTime with me all weekend, and hit the road.
I’d be lying if I said that this trip was one of my favorites from the start. In fact, it didn’t turn out all that great at all, at first. And, unlike in my past life, I won’t be filtering out the truth in these posts to keep anyone else happy. So, to be completely transparent, I nearly turned back and went home when only a few minutes into the trip James and I got into an argument and hung up on one another. We didn’t make amends until after I was already driving about the town NOT enjoying some of the most unfortunate scenery I’ve come across in a while.
Let’s just say that if you’re not in the touristy parts of Savannah, it’s not the nicest of places to be. I spent about two hours driving around the town getting a feel for the area (getting lost) and not really enjoying my day. But once evening hit, we both regrouped on more levels than one and found out where to go and how to enjoy our two days in town.
I put James on navigation duty. His job was to research places to visit and things to see and supplement my map and help me get there. My job was to show him around on FaceTime once we arrived and take lots of pictures for us both to enjoy and for me to put in this blog, which he made me promise to write. 😉
On night one I had an incredible steak dinner and did a wee bit of shopping and sightseeing near the river. It got dark only a few hours after I arrived, so the first day there was cut pretty short, but I still loved watching the sun go down on the river.

Day two, however, was jam-packed. We started our day at the SCAD Museum of Art which I couldn’t recommend more. I love modern art and this gallery really tickled my fancy.

Art was a theme for the day, really. We spent more than half of the day browsing art shops and even purchasing some of our own.
We found the The Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist, which had me longing for Europe from every angle.
And then we did some wandering up and down streets looking at famous houses and all the beautiful greenery.

Overall, Savannah is a photographer’s paradise.
See what I mean?

As the evening rolled in, my feet were tired, but my heart was happy. I’m so glad we didn’t turn around when things started off rocky because they ended beautifully. Even though it was only a virtual weekend date, it felt as real as it could have with James by my side. I know there is still a ton to see in Savannah that we weren’t able to visit over the course of our short visit, but next time, he’s going to be helping me navigate from the passenger seat.
Write on!