Another arbitrary rating of all the documentaries I've watched recently (no spoilers)
/Okay, I’m hooked, I’ll admit it.
I’ve become quite the documentary junkie and I am loving every bingable minute. Every time I think I’m running out of these to watch, I discover another couple more to see.
A couple of weeks ago I published a list of docs that I’d seen recently and gave them a 1-10 score with a few sentences of my thoughts. I’ve watched another 14 since then, so since I’m watching them anyways, I thought I might as well share my opinions that no one asked for about these as well.
Overall Score 6
Some aspects of this documentary were shocking and riveting to learn about, but other parts were a bit of a bore. This was a highly-anticipated watch for me that frankly didn't live up to the hype until the last 10-15 minutes or so.
Overall Score 7
At first, I truly didn't care about this one and only watched it because I felt like I had to as a follow up from the Epstein doc, but it quickly took a shocking turn and I was hooked. Most people know about Epstein, but I'd wager few actually know about how poisonous Ghislaine was. If you want to totally understand all their crimes, you should see this doc, too.
Overall Score 9
As a twice New England transplant, this one hit close to home - literally. There was so much information in this that I didn’t hear about when this event took place, even though I was only a state away at the time. I'm glad I watched it; I learned a lot and I think others would, too.
Overall Score 9
I beg your finest pardon? This was one of the most disturbing docs I've seen so far - not necessarily conceptually, but it was just physically hard to watch the deterioration of a person like that. This is a definite watch. Especially interesting to note are the differences in the dynamic of a cult lead by a woman vs those lead by men that I've learned about so far…
Overall Score 9
Wow, just wow; I loved this one. This was the perfect blend of crazy cult energy and pop culture references. I was hooked from the very beginning. I definitely recommend this doc to anyone - especially those who enjoyed the good old TLC days of our past.
Overall Score 10
Holy shit. I can't even handle what I just saw. The bad guy in this is unbelievable and if you're a fan of internet culture like me, then this is absolutely a MUST-SEE. The way this entire story is wrapped up in a bow at the end was absolutely mind-blowing.
Overall Score 5
This one was one big eye roll - the parents make me just want to scream. Everything about this story is just so annoying. The doc was fine, but I spent more time sighing than enjoying it. Oh, and the pacing and ending are annoying, too. Pass.
Overall Score 9
I've seen this one 3 times now and even forced my husband to watch it one of those times with me. To me, as someone who met their significant other (and many others) on Tinder, this was like a car crash I couldn't look away from, from start to finish.
Overall Score 4
Honestly, I could have done without this one. The content wasn't all that interesting and the ending was highly disappointing. Mid-level, doc, for sure.
Overall Score 6
I was really excited about this story, but honestly, this doc was a bit corny. I could have done without the weird actor reenactments, but I really enjoyed learning about this whole mess. It was NOTHING like I had always assumed…
Overall Score 8
There were moments in this where I truly FELT something. I really appreciate this for what it is and what it was created for. This was actually the doc that made me a Swiftie in the first place. I've seen it twice now and I'll probably keep revisiting it from time to time just because it makes me feel good. If you're a Swiftie, or interested in the pressures of success and fame, give it a watch for yourself.
Overall Score 8
Mind blown - that's all I can really say about this one. It was amazing to see how so many things in society today are all connected in the most horrible way. Anyone who has a crazy conspiracy theory aunt should watch this.
Overall Score 6
I'm a HUGE fan of all things British, so it should really say something that I found this doc to a bit of a snooze. Don't get me wrong, the subject matter was interesting, but the way it was framed was just such a slow burn - I could have done without almost all of part 1. And I'm sorry, but this dude seemed SUS AF from the very beginning - who was everyone kidding?
Overall Score 10
I really enjoyed this one from the very start. It has some insane twists and turns, but its produced in a way that really highlights the light and love of a person and even the investigators and police who were involved with the case. I love the way this doc really highlights all the good to be found in this horrible, dark story, rather than featuring the disgusting bad guy behind it all, for once.
In general, I think this lot was less enjoyable than the first group, but that set was much bigger, so maybe it’s just the law of averages. I do hope this helped a few other true crime or documentary fans like myself find some info for their next watch.
As always, take my recs with a grain of salt, but feel free to let me know if I’m way off base of missing any absolute must-sees.
Happy watching, friends, and…
Write on!