A long-overdue life update of the last eight months!

A long-overdue life update of the last eight months!

Holy shit - saying it’s been a minute since my last update would be the understatement of the damn century.

Apologies, friends. Life got away with me there for a bit. But I can say that unlike in previous years, I was distracted by happy life changes, not tragic ones - what a nice change of pace, eh?

But here I am - armed with my rainbow emotional support water bottle; I’m ready to dive right in.

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Blogmas Day 5 - Haircut

Blogmas Day 5 - Haircut

Blogmas Day 5 - welcome! This is becoming a late-night ritual of mine that I highly enjoy. Sitting and decompressing with you all. Thank you, again, for reading and coming along on my Christmas journey with me. December is usually a pretty tough month for me. Definitely, by no means, my happiest month of the year, even with my birthday in it. But, thanks in large part to these little diary entries, I’m enjoying it a lot more than I ever have.

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