I know “[my] mountain is waiting. So… [I’ll] get on [my] way!”

I know “[my] mountain is waiting. So… [I’ll] get on [my] way!”

We all have them. Those relics of our younger years that stick with us forever. It’s almost as if something tells us that while we might not understand or relate to those things then, someday we’ll find their place or meaning in or lives, so we store them away in our cherished memories until that time comes.

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Blogmas Day 5 - Haircut

Blogmas Day 5 - Haircut

Blogmas Day 5 - welcome! This is becoming a late-night ritual of mine that I highly enjoy. Sitting and decompressing with you all. Thank you, again, for reading and coming along on my Christmas journey with me. December is usually a pretty tough month for me. Definitely, by no means, my happiest month of the year, even with my birthday in it. But, thanks in large part to these little diary entries, I’m enjoying it a lot more than I ever have.

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