There's No Age Limit On Lego
/Find someone who you can plan your future with, but who also keeps you young.
Ethan and I come up with some pretty creative ways to spend our time. We're both really creative and silly people, so it's fair to say that we are both pretty easily entertained.
A while back we were walking around a mall in Chicago when we came across a Lego store. Our eyes lit up and we knew right away that we had to bring some home with us to enjoy. We both found little Lego sets with instructions that let you create fun characters and pieces like tractors and unicorns. We were so excited to get building!
Life has a way of getting away from you and every time we sat down with the intention of creating our masterpieces, something of a higher importance seemed to get in the way. Finally, last night we found ourselves with energy and time to spare before bed, so we played with our Legos.
And what a fun time we had!
We both had completely different approaches to our creations.
Jami’s Creations
I, being the rule-follower that I am, went step-by-step and made all of the suggested ideas.
First, a unicorn…
Then, an airplane…
Next, a rainbow…
Finally, a remote-controlled car…
Ethan’s Creations
Ethan, however, has always been a bit of a rogue. He totally threw out the rules from the beginning and free-form built his castle, two tractors, and two planes.
His imagination and creativity never cease to amaze me. I tried to take the left-over pieces I had and make something with them and completely drew a blank. How does he do it?
It really can be the smallest things that bring the most enjoyment to your life. There aren't too many people in my life who really do bring out the young and fun side of me, but my best friend Nicole and my sweetheart Ethan remind me every day not to take life too seriously, and I can't thank both of them enough for that.
So, next time you're looking for something to "spark joy" in your life, don't overlook the obvious things. Moral of the story: there's no age limit on Lego.
“It takes a long time to become young.”