Blogmas Day 22 - Awake
/Welcome to Blogmas Day 22 - here’s an actual picture of me currently:
Today, Ethan and I ran some errands and then went to Greenfield Village for Holidays nights - more on that later - but while I was there, I drank 4 cups of coffee… at 9 pm… so now, I’m wide awake.
As I said, we ran some errands today, but being us, that doesn’t mean running to the bank and to the store… even though we had going to the store on our to-do list. We actually ended up going to the pet store and buying more fish to add to our little apartment aquarium. We had a second tank, so today we filled it with two of these - little baby Pea Puffers!
Image courtesy of Google Images.
Aren’t they adorable? 🥰I’ll get some actual pictures of our new friends up on my Instagram soon, so keep an eye out, if you’re curious.
After we set them up in their new homes, we went out to Holiday Nights with Ethan’s family. Greenfield Village isn’t my favorite place in the world, but he loves it and I love him, so I went to make him smile.
We ate and listened to annoying Christmas tunes and watched some fireworks to round out the evening. I’m glad I could go for him, but I definitely regret drinking all that caffeine so late.
I have work tomorrow, so hopefully I’m not totally messing myself up here, but what’s done is done, I suppose.
That’s about it for this lovely Sunday. I hope you all had a lovely day, too.
Only a few more days until we get to open presents, everyone! Anyone else as excited as me? What are you hoping to see under the tree?
Anyway, speak to you all tomorrow, friends. Good luck warding off the Sunday scaries!
XOXO Write on!